EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 95% of Career Federal Employees Who E-mail About Politics at Work Express Liberal Views
Statement: Swift Action By Secretary McMahon Empowers States and Parents
Sex Reassignment Surgeries and Hormones are Dangerous and Medically Unnecessary
Sex reassignment surgeries and hormone therapies (so-called “gender-affirming medical care”) are dangerous and often irreversible procedures intended to alter a person’s body to match the person’s self-professed “gender identity.”
State Reforms to Protect Children from Harmful and Irreversible Transgender Medical Procedures
An explosive increase in childhood transgender identification threatens the health and well-being of American children. Transgender identification is the first step along the path toward harmful and irreversible transgender medical interventions.
The Vulnerable Youth Protection Act
Vulnerable Texas children and children around the country are being groomed for a lifetime of preventable suffering. Transgender medical procedures—euphemistically referred to as “gender-affirming care”—include puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and sex-change surgeries. These procedures are associated with a host of harmful side effects.
Quantifying Progressive Cancel Culture in Higher Education
A culture of hostility toward dissenting thought and expression undermines the value of higher education.
Death Spiral: How Credibility Laundering Corrupts Institutions
Individuals who hold sway in the dominant institutions of American society (i.e., “elites”) stigmatize and suppress information they oppose by labeling it “misinformation.”
Unleashing Rural and Small-Town Prosperity with Opportunity Zones 2.0
The enactment of Opportunity Zones (OZs) was a cornerstone of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, which brought $84 billion of equity investment to distressed communities across America. OZs 2.0 would build upon this legacy to spread prosperity to every corner of America, especially rural areas and small towns.
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