Combating the Impacts of Illegal Immigration in New Jersey
Illegal alien and narcotic trafficking networks often exploit wire transfer services to move money abroad, taking advantage of their less stringent oversight compared to banks. New Jersey could counter this by implementing a fee on international wire transfers.
Ensuring a Legal Workforce in North Carolina
The ability to obtain a job in the U.S. is one of the primary drivers of illegal immigration. Millions of illegal aliens currently work in the U.S. because the existing paper-based Form I-9 verification process is easy to exploit, and human resources personnel are not experts in detecting forged documents. As a result, wages and job opportunities for many Americans are harmed.
Ensuring a Legal Workforce in Nevada
The ability to obtain a job in the U.S. is one of the primary drivers of illegal immigration. Millions of illegal aliens currently work in the U.S. because the existing paper-based Form I-9 verification process is easy to exploit, and human resources personnel are not experts in detecting forged documents. As a result, wages and job opportunities for many Americans are harmed.
Ensuring a Legal Workforce in Michigan
The ability to obtain a job in the U.S. is one of the primary drivers of illegal immigration. Millions of illegal aliens currently work in the U.S. because the existing paper-based Form I-9 verification process is easy to exploit, and human resources personnel are not experts in detecting forged documents. As a result, wages and job opportunities for many Americans are harmed.
Ensuring a Legal Workforce in Kentucky
The ability to obtain a job in the U.S. is one of the primary drivers of illegal immigration. Millions of illegal aliens currently work in the U.S. because the existing paper-based Form I-9 verification process is easy to exploit, and human resources personnel are not experts in detecting forged documents. As a result, wages and job opportunities for many Americans are harmed.
Experts on Border Security & Immigration
The Honorable Chad Wolf
Executive Director, Chief Strategy Officer & Chair, Center for Homeland Security & Immigration
Robert Law
FORMER: Director, Center for Homeland Security and Immigration & Senior Editor
CURRENT: Senior Counselor, DHS
Kristen Ziccarelli
Director of Production and Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Homeland Security and Immigration