To change a military: U.S. approaching a crossroads of failure or great accomplishment
The history of the U.S. military does not follow a straight line of organizational well-being or even success. Our military has been forged in battles that resulted in both successes and failures. Its most cherished victory came in our Revolutionary War, when George Washington’s bedraggled, undernourished and battered army crossed the Delaware River on a cold December night and routed the Hessian forces encamped at Trenton. That battle changed the trajectory of our Revolutionary War, which ended at Yorktown with the defeat of the mighty British Empire. It changed the course of history. We should use it as a marker for the future. We are approaching a crossroads of failure or great accomplishment.
AFPI Comment on Proposed Office of Personnel Management Regulation That Would Prevent the Reinstatement of Schedule F
America First Policy Institute (AFPI) submits the following comments in opposition to the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) proposed rule purporting to extend removal protections to career officials in positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating character (hereafter “policy-influencing positions”). See Upholding Civil Service Protections and Merit System Principles, 88 Fed. Reg. 63862 (proposed Sept. 18, 2023), Docket ID OPM–2023–0013, RIN 3206–AO56.
America First Urges Supreme Court to Hold Administrative Courts Unconstitutional
The America First Transition Project Introduction
An ‘America First’ transition: Ready on day one
In theory, winning a presidential election should be the ultimate expression of the people choosing the direction of the executive branch of which policies they want to see enacted over the next four years. The idea is simple enough.
Experts on The Administrative State
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