SCOTUS Overturns Chevron Case
AFPI Comment on Proposed Office of Personnel Management Regulation That Would Prevent the Reinstatement of Schedule F
America First Policy Institute (AFPI) submits the following comments in opposition to the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) proposed rule purporting to extend removal protections to career officials in positions of a confidential, policy-determining, policymaking, or policy-advocating character (hereafter “policy-influencing positions”). See Upholding Civil Service Protections and Merit System Principles, 88 Fed. Reg. 63862 (proposed Sept. 18, 2023), Docket ID OPM–2023–0013, RIN 3206–AO56.
EXPERT INSIGHT: Federal Union Arbitrators Frequently Misapply the Law
In disputes between federal agencies and unions, arbitrators decide whether the agency has violated the law or contract. These arbitrators typically have little firsthand experience with agency operations or federal employment law.
EXPERT INSIGHT: White House Claims that Federal Union Membership Grew Under Biden Appear Incorrect
In 2021, the Biden Administration created a Task Force to increase union membership. The White House recently released a progress report claiming significant progress towards this goal. This report claimed that: The number of Federal Government employees in a union has increased by nearly 20%. Since the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) began working with agencies to better inform federal workers of their right to join a union, nearly 80,000 workers have done so.
Request for Comments on FLRA Docket No. 0-MC-33, Miscellaneous and General Requirements
Experts on Civil Service Reform
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