Five Steps Toward an American Nuclear Energy Renaissance
STEP ONE: Enact comprehensive permitting reform.
- Comprehensive permitting reform would help to unlock the domestic supply of nuclear fuel—particularly at the stages in the fuel supply chain when raw uranium is extracted and enriched.
STEP TWO: Update nuclear reactor licensing procedures to reflect the latest scientific knowledge.
- Updating domestic licensing rules and mandating that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) use risk-informed and performance-based techniques would fortify opportunities for innovation and cost reduction.
STEP THREE: Lower regulatory fees for start-up nuclear companies.
- Reforming fees for nuclear start-ups in line with comparable industries, such as oil and gas pipeline builders, would provide financial relief to companies seeking to enter the nuclear power industry.
STEP FOUR: Update the Nuclear Regulatory Commission’s mandate.
- Without expanding the agency’s budget, Congress can reiterate its original, pro-development intent for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and also create a public and private engagement office in support of nuclear expansion.
STEP FIVE: Streamline nuclear export regulations for countries with mutual defense treaties with the U.S. or formally designated as major American allies.
- Cutting outdated red tape around nuclear exports and harmonizing American foreign policy and nuclear security would dramatically expand the number of potential markets for American advanced nuclear innovators.
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