Frank Murphy
Chair, Athletes for America Coalition
Frank Murphy serves as Chair, Athletes for America Coalition. His life story details his journey from juvenile incarceration to the NFL. After getting a second chance through NFL Super Bowl-winning coach Tony Dungy, Frank successfully left drugs, guns, and jail behind to become a star player in the NFL. Frank won the Heisman Trophy in junior college at Garden City community college where he was also introduced into the junior college Hall of Fame. He went on to Kansas State University and still holds 3 records including a 4.22 yard dash. Frank played his professional career with the NFL and CFL teams, such as the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, Chicago Bears, Houston, Texans, and the Miami Dolphins. Following a successful football career, Murphy founded a charity called Mentoring with Purpose in 2009, and he has received the JTEP Hero Award, the Hero Award from the Tampa Bay Lightning, and he is a two-time recipient of the prestigious Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.
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