Gloria McDonald
FORMER: Senior Policy Analyst, Center for American Security
“Acts of courage and acts of obedience shift history for nations.”
- Pastor Russell Johnson
Gloria McDonald is from Virginia Beach, Virginia, and serves as the Senior Policy Analyst for the Center for American Security at AFPI. Gloria most recently interned with the State Department, serving two consecutive summers at the United States Embassy in Kyiv, Ukraine in the Security Attaché division. In this role, she worked alongside American and Ukrainian security operators to develop intelligence and security policies on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Previously, Gloria interned with Congressman Dave Brat in Washington, D.C. McDonald is a graduate of Liberty University, holding a degree in International Relations specializing in Strategic Intelligence. She previously studied at Oxford Sixth Form College in the Advanced Studies Program with a concentration in International Affairs and Russian language. She holds a master’s degree in Global Security from Johns Hopkins University. The youngest of five siblings, and an aunt to four, Gloria is most appreciative of her family.
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