Julia Butch
Policy Analyst, Center for Education Opportunity and Center for 1776
Seek not to understand that you may believe, but believe that you may understand.
- Saint Augustine
Julia Butch is originally from Kansas City, Missouri, and serves as a Policy Analyst in the Center for Education Opportunity and the Center for 1776 at AFPI. A 2023 graduate of Villanova University, she earned degrees in Political Science and English with a concentration in Writing and Rhetoric. During college, she served as a Political Risk Analyst for EquityCompass Investment Management, interned with various political campaigns, and completed an internship at Charles Schwab Corporation. In 2022, Julia studied History of Political Thought at Pembroke College at the University of Cambridge in England. While there, she was a member of the Cambridge Union Society and completed a dissertation examining competing 16th Century intersections between capitalism and religion. She has been nationally ranked as a policy debater, served as an administrator for the Justice Debate League, and completed summer research institutes at Georgetown, Dartmouth, and Michigan State. In her free time, she enjoys golf, reading, choir, and traveling.
- Debt
- Inflation
- Trade
- Work & Jobs
- Higher Education
- K-12
- School Boards
- Agriculture
- Energy
- Environment & Climate
- Asia
- Europe
- Israel & the Middle East
- Big Tech & Censorship
- Budget, Spending, & Taxes
- Civil Service Reform
- Government Regulation
- The Administrative State
- Weaponization
- Rogue Prosecutors Citizens Rights
- Healthcare Reform
- Public Health
- Criminal Justice & Public Safety
- The Courts
- Border Security & Immigration
- Election Integrity
- National Security & Defense
- Faith
- Marriage, Family, & Children
- Religious Liberty
- Sanctity of Life
Beatrice Brooke
FORMER: Senior Advisor, Center for American Prosperity and Center for Energy & Environment
Megan Frederick , Esq.
Senior Attorney for the Center for Litigation
Leigh Ann O’Neill
Chief of Staff for the Center for Litigation & Senior Legal Strategy Attorney
Ken Timmerman
Senior Fellow, Center for American Security