Richard Maher
Senior Policy Analyst for State Action
"Just as it is better to illuminate than merely to shine, so it is better to give to others the fruits of one's contemplation than merely to contemplate."
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Richard joined AFPI after six years of private sector work in government ethics and lobbying, gaining intimate familiarity with the nexus between the corporate and government sectors. His experience includes campaign finance, state and local ballot initiatives, and political committee administration. Prior to entering the political field, he spent five years discerning the Catholic priesthood in the Dominican Order.
Richard's policy credentials include professional work in the greater conservative movement during a stint in Washington, D.C. as well as leadership in Republican Party politics. He is presently a delegate to both the California Republican Party and California Young Republican Federation, as well as the current president of the San Francisco Young Republicans, in which he previously served as treasurer.
Richard's family has lived in California since 1906 when his paternal great-grandparents emigrated from Ireland and is passionate about restoring the state's standard of living and increasing opportunity for its middle class. He holds bachelor degrees in English and political science (summa cum laude) and a master degree in political theory, where he wrote his thesis on the subordination of the individual in contemporary political policy.
Richard makes his home in the San Francisco Bay Area, where he enjoys DIY home improvement projects, freelance writing, and participating in his church.
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