
Ryann McEnany

Digital Marketing and Brand Communications Strategist and Engagement Officer

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.

- Ecclesiastes 3:11

Ryann McEnany is a Tampa, Florida native and serves as the Digital Marketing and Brand Communications Strategist and Engagement Officer at AFPI. McEnany most recently worked for the Trump-Pence 2020 presidential campaign as a Social Media Strategist. During her time with the campaign, she managed President Trump’s Snapchat, reaching millions of daily users, and assisted in optimizing Team Trump’s digital presence. She spent the final months of the campaign interviewing everyday Americans at rallies around the country, capturing the heartfelt stories of people from all backgrounds, ideologies, and political beliefs, to highlight raw, unscripted reactions from the public. McEnany graduated from the University of Florida with a Master of Science in Sport Management, specializing in Athlete Development, and a Bachelor of Science in Telecommunications. She was a member of University of Florida’s nationally ranked track and field program, where she competed in the 60-meter hurdles and 100-meter hurdles. McEnany currently holds the 8th fastest 60-meter hurdle time in the university’s history. Over the 15 years that McEnany spent in sports, she developed a unique set of skills and gained valuable experiences that she continues to carry with her into the political scene. In Tampa, McEnany enjoys cheering on all the outstanding Tampa Bay sports teams and spending time with her family.

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