Policy Priorities
Better Care
More Choice
Lower Costs
The Center for a Healthy America is invested in improving the health of Americans now and for generations to come. Decisions about what, how, and where care is received should be made by patients and doctors not by politicians and bureaucrats in Washington, D.C., state capitals, and industry. AFPI will create healthcare policies and educate stakeholders to put the patient and doctor in control, dignify life, promote better health and health outcomes, improve access, and lower costs for Americans. This is critically important as the health of Americans is essential for a thriving and prosperous country.
AFPI’s Center for a Healthy America works to create policies that give all Americans full agency in decisions that affect their health and well-being. In order for America’s healthcare system to return to its primary mission of improving the health and health outcomes of Americans and reach its full potential, advancement must focus on putting patients first to improve the individual and population health of America.
Put Americans First by Ending Global Freeloading
« Patients with chronic conditions and other debilitating diseases can access lifesaving prescription drugs because drug manufacturers and American health agencies invest billions of dollars to develop new medicines.
Trump’s Righteous Battle for Healthcare Pricing Transparency
During his first term, President Donald Trump made groundbreaking, bipartisan reforms to require hospitals to disclose their prices to the public.
Global freeloading: Americans shouldn’t bear the brunt of drug development costs
In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump vowed to end the chronic disease epidemic and keep America’s children healthy and disease-free.
Improving Hospital Price Transparency in North Carolina
64% of North Carolina hospitals are compliant with federal hospital price transparency requirements.
Improving Hospital Price Transparency in Arizona
Just 33% of Arizona hospitals are compliant with federal hospital price transparency requirements.