Biden And Harris’ ‘Bold Plan’ Will Usher In Democrat Party Authoritarian Rule

This article originally appeared in the Daily Caller on August 5, 2024

One of the persistent themes of the leftist commentariat across the past decade has been the purportedly authoritarian tendencies of President Donald J. Trump, who supposedly has a plan — yet to be revealed after many years of public life — for the dissolution of Constitutional governance and the implementation of personal rule. To date, the primary vehicles for the execution of this plan have been public persuasion, contesting free elections and winning a fair and open primary — none of which the Biden-Harris regime can claim in 2024.

So when that regime proposes a genuinely authoritarian change to the Constitutional order, curbing the judiciary as established by the American Founders in favor of massively expanded presidential power, the silence from that same commentariat is deafening — and telling. The Biden-Harris release of its so-called “Bold Plan to Reform the Supreme Court and Ensure No President Is Above the Law” has been met with none of the media hysterics that would accompany anything remotely comparable from Trump. So be it: Sometimes a reminder that there is a whole apparatus at work on the other side is useful.

Americans, however, would do well to pay attention to the content of the “Bold Plan,” because it is really a bold plan for striking at the heart of American Constitutional governance. Sweeping in its ambition and sharp in its attack upon the institutions safeguarding our liberties, it deserves a close look — not just as an expression of the priorities of Joe Biden, but as a warning of the agenda of Kamala Harris, without whose approval the plan would never have been issued.

Read the full op-ed in the Daily Caller here

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