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Debate Prep: A Country Founded First for Life

June 22, 2024

Under the radical Left, U.S. abortion policies are EXTREME compared to the rest of the world.

  • Multiple clinics offer third-trimester abortions without question.
  • Every Democrat in the 117th Congress, except two, voted to legalize abortion at any stage in pregnancy—even in the seventh, eighth, and ninth months.
  • The U.S. is 1 of only 6 countries with laws permitting elective abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy.
  • The U.S. is currently more in line with China and North Korea when it comes to abortion policy.
  • Liberals call conservatives extreme on this issue but refuse to say at what stage of pregnancy abortions should be stopped unless the life of the mother is at risk.

The Left’s position of abortion on demand, at home, at any time, is far out of touch with the American people.

  • It is President Biden and the radical Left who are extreme regarding abortion.
    • 71% of Americans support legal limits on abortion
    • Less than 1 in 5 Americans (17%) support the Left’s position of taxpayer-funded abortion, without limits, at any stage of pregnancy.
  • 65% of voters support a 3-day waiting period for women between an initial visit and an abortion appointment.
  • Women want access to quality healthcare before turning to abortion.
  • 61% favor government programming encouraging women in difficult situations to give birth rather than abort the child.
    • While the Left pushes women into abortions, America First seeks to provide quality, compassionate medical care for women and babies.

The Dobbs decision, two years ago today, did not end abortion in America. It returned it to its rightful place: the hands of Americans’ elected representatives.

  • Despite the scare tactics of the Left, the number of abortions increased in America post-Dobbs.
  • The Dobbs decision is a defense of democracy. The people’s elected leaders can decide. If voters oppose their decisions, they can overrule them with referendums or by electing new leaders, which how our r\Republic is supposed to work.
  • America First Policy Institute’s HOPE Agenda calls for policies that provide caring support to women facing various challenges, including unexpected pregnancies, fertility issues, motherhood, adoption, and foster care.

Policymakers should prioritize greater protection for the two lives involved—the mother and the baby—especially with safeguards to protect women and children from the dangers of teleabortion.

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