Op-Ed: Civil Rights: Prophets and Preachers vs. Politics, Riots
By: Dr. Alveda King in Newsmax
Every year, during the holiday season for the late Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and subsequently during the time frame for the March for Life, some have questions abouth this writer's family heritage.
One question which requiring an answer now is the focus of this message.
"Why is there so little attention given to the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King's role as prophet and preacher?"
The answer is really quite simple.
While seeking the justice Dr. King sought, what so often the world rejects, omits or at least disregards and overlooks, is spirituality. His total message encompassed his ministry, and vice-versa.
MLK not only knew, but understood that we must seek first God’s righteous kingdom, then wholly embrace it in order to receive justice.
Martin Luther King, Jr. also understood that we must repent and be forgiven; that it was mandatory to then forgive others. It is things which enable us to become spiritually successful. in order to be successful.
This means a committed, total abandonment of: "I will repent when they confess and apologize."
The world craves a "social Gospel."
Yes, Martin was a civil rights leader. The world wants social justice. Yes, there are many wrongs and injustices that must be addressed. [However, something is missing. What is it exactly?]
And yet there was more to my uncle (MLK) than the quest for justice. He was a man of prayer and action, not vengeance. When we focus on just one aspect of the mission of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., we miss the blessing of the fullness of his purpose.
As is every human being born to man, Dr. King was a three, if not multi-dimensional, being.
He once said,"They used to tell us in Hollywood that in order for a movie to be complete, it had to be three-dimensional. Well, this morning I want to seek to get over to each of us that if life itself is to be complete, it must be three-dimensional."
Word Press explains this concept thusly, in an unbylined entry: "The Human Being: Three Dimensions 'The Triune Being'"
"As the phrase suggests, a human being is made up of three dimensions. These dimensions, if balanced correctly, can lead to the greatest, and most fulfilling life you will ever live. These three dimensions are spirit, soul, and body.
"All of these aspects of a human being require healthy and balanced care. You must attend to the needs of each dimension or you will not live the life you yearn for."
What is often missing in the three dimensional Civil Rights Movement of the 21st century is what can be termed as the "God factor."
The Civil Rights Movement of the 20th century was led by prophets and preachers; not politicians and rioters. Please see this video for context.
While the holiday which memorializes and pays tribute to my uncle has passed for 2022, the March for Life is just around the corner. When those marches subside, the real work must be amplified, for it is always just beginning and really never ends.
People must now unite and embrace the American Dream, for it defines our lives on earth, and most importantly, everlasting life.
Dr. Alveda C. King is the daughter of the late slain civil rights activist Rev. A. D. King and the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., as well as a Christian Evangelist. Additionally, she is founder of Speak for Life. She is also an acclaimed author, television host, and film and music veteran. Dr. King is a former Georgia State legislator, Chairman of the Center for the American Dream for AFPI, and a 2021 recipient of the Presidential Lifetime Achievement Award.