The Radical Left’s Border & Immigration Platform

August 27, 2024


The Left’s newly released border and immigration policy proposals are the most radical EVER. Most notably, they fully endorse the U.S. Citizenship Act of 2021 – the Biden-Harris Administration’s signature proposal to grant amnesty to nearly all illegal aliens in the country, including criminals. This America Last proposal rewards human traffickers and contains no serious policies to solve the border crisis. This is the wrong approach for America.


AMNESTY for all illegal aliens who have illegally crossed our borders, including those who impermissibly used taxpayer-funded welfare and unlawfully voted in U.S. elections (H.R. 1177§245G(c)(A)).

WAIVERS TO GRANT AMNESTY to convicted criminal aliens, human traffickers, and other public safety threats, and the halting the ability to remove illegal aliens with felony records (H.R. 1177§245G(c)(B)).

AMNESTY FOR PREVIOUSLY DEPORTED ILLEGAL ALIENS by requiring the government to allow them back into the U.S. to apply for amnesty at taxpayer expense (H.R. 1177§245G(b)(4)).

A PATHWAY TO VOTE by requiring the issuance of social security numbers to illegal aliens, allowing them to obtain drivers licenses and voter registration (H.R. 1177§245B(e)(5)).

ELIMINATION OF PENALTIES, such as a ten-year reentry bar, for illegal aliens already living in the U.S. ( pg. 69-70).

SEVERE LIMITS on Presidential ability to restrict aliens coming into the U.S., from areas of the world who are “not in the national interest” This decisively puts the interests of illegal aliens over U.S. national security (H.R. 1177§3202(f)).

EXPANSION of low skilled legal immigration which pushes down wages and job opportunities for American workers ( pg. 69).

ELIMINATION of the word “alien” from the Immigration and Nationality Act, replacing it with the term “noncitizen.” This is part of a rhetoric game used to push an open-borders, pro-illegal immigrant agenda (H.R. 1177§3(a)(53)).

WAIVING the English-language requirements for naturalization for immigrants in certain cases (H.R. 1177§3510).

ELIMINATION of the one-year filing deadline for asylum – creating another loophole for illegal aliens to avoid being removed from the country (H.R. 1177§4301).

GRANTING taxpayer-funded attorneys to illegal aliens – a practice that will only encourage more illegal immigration and is outrageously unfair to American citizens ( pg. 66).

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