Emily Moreno
Executive Director AFPI-Ohio
Emily Moreno worked for Big Dog Strategies as a fundraising consultant raising funds for the pivotal Ohio Senate race that retired a long-time Democrat incumbent. Prior, she served as campaign manager during the 2020 primary cycle. Before returning home to Ohio, Moreno worked for the Trump Victory political team from the headquarters in Washington, D.C. Additionally, she worked at the DCI Group, Senator Johnson's Senate campaign, and Senator Rubio’s presidential campaign in 2016. Moreno serves on the Ohio Right to Life Board of Directors.
More Staff
Jill Homan
Advisor for Opportunity Zones, Center for Opportunity Now & Center for American Prosperity
The Honorable Robert Lighthizer
Chair, Center for American Trade
Mary Stiffler
Executive Director, AFPI Pennsylvania
Kristen Ziccarelli
Director of Production and Senior Policy Analyst, Center for Homeland Security and Immigration