Rob Pacienza
Senior Fellow, Center for the American Dream
But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever.
- John Adams
Rob Pacienza is from Fort Lauderdale, Florida, and serves as a Senior Fellow in the Center for the American Dream at AFPI. He is also the Senior Pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Fort Lauderdale, founded by Dr. D. James Kennedy. Pacienza grew up under the ministry of Dr. Kennedy and was mentored by him throughout high school and college. He graduated from Samford University with a BA in religion and from Knox Seminary with a master’s in divinity. He is currently pursuing his doctorate at the Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pacienza’s doctorate project will focus on developing a discipleship plan that prepares the Church to recapture its prophetic voice in the public square. He has a passion for seeing the Church equip gospel-centered, culture-shaping Christians who build the city of God in the midst of the city of man. Pacienza is married to Jennifer, and they have two children, Preston and Lydia.
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