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Debate Prep: What to Watch For

June 27, 2024

Debunking Expected Myths at the Debate

MYTH: The economy was poor when President Biden took office.

FACT: Inflation was only 1.4%, and gas cost $2.39 when Biden took office. The unemployment rate had dropped by more than half from its COVID-19 peak. The unemployment rate is currently higher right now under Biden than it was under Trump before the pandemic.

MYTH: Inflation was caused by Donald Trump.

FACT: Inflation was only 1.4% when Biden took office. Also, do not forget that former presidents Clinton and Obama’s economic advisor Lawrence Summers warned Biden not to pass trillions in new COVID-19 spending because it would trigger inflation. The covid relief bill passed and historic inflation followed months later.

MYTH: America is producing more oil now than it was under Donald Trump.

FACT: The question is not the total amount of oil but how fast production increased to keep pace with the economy. Oil production under Trump grew 35% compared to Obama. Oil production now is just 1.4% more than it was under Trump. Gasoline production is also lower now than it was under Trump. Our cars don’t burn crude oil.

MYTH: Donald Trump and ultra MAGA pose a threat to democracy.

FACT: The Trump Administration offered three times before January 6 to send National Guard troops to the capitol. Capitol and D.C. police rejected the request. This month, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said, in a newly released video, that she took responsibility for the Capitol not being secured on January 6.

MYTH: Joe Biden inherited the current border crisis.

FACT: Joe Biden created the border crisis. He undid 94 executive actions during his first 100 days to undo border security measures enacted by the Trump Administration.

MYTH: Donald Trump and ultra MAGA do not respect the judicial system.

FACT: When the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, liberals threatened the justices. They illegally protested outside their homes. A would-be assassin threatened to kill conservative justices. Liberals threatened to pack the Supreme Court. Liberals took over and attempted to burn the federal courthouse in Portland.

MYTH: Donald Trump tried to overturn the 2020 election and his supporters are election deniers.

FACT: Donald Trump and Republicans raised legitimate questions about the conduct of the 2020 election. Democrats challenged the outcome of the 2000, 2004, and 2016 elections. They called Presidents George W. Bush and Donald Trump illegitimate. Nearly an identical percentage of Democrats believed the 2016 election was stolen, as Republicans believe the same about the 2020 election.

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What to Watch For

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