America First Policy Institute
STATEMENT: Chad Wolf on the Continuing Resolution to Fund the Government
WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, the America First Policy Institute released the following statement regarding the Continuing Resolution to fund the Government from Chad Wolf, Executive Director and Chief Strategy Officer of the America First Policy Institute:
“Congress this week will consider a continuing resolution to fund the government through December 16. This bill does nothing to address the top priorities of the American people — inflation, skyrocketing crime, and a wide-open southern border. Instead of voting on a clean continuing resolution that funds the government through the new year, Congress will instead allow a lame duck session of Congress decide the spending priorities for the next year.
Hardworking Americans deserve a Congress that will fight for economic prosperity, energy independence, and national security. Congress should demand that the continuing resolution extends into early 2023 so that a new Congress can begin to realign the government’s priorities with those of the American people.”