About America First
Policy Institute
The Honorable Chad Wolf
Executive Director, Chief Strategy Officer & Chair, Center for Homeland Security & Immigration
The Honorable Larry Kudlow
Vice Chair of the Board and Chair, Center for American Prosperity
The Honorable Linda McMahon
Chair of the Board and Chair, Center for the American Worker
The Honorable David Bernhardt
Chair, Center For American Freedom
The Honorable J. Kenneth Blackwell
Chair, Center for Election Integrity
Jack Brewer
Chair, Center for Opportunity Now and Vice Chair, Center for 1776
Kellyanne Conway
Chair, Center for the American Child
Erika Donalds
Chair of the Center for Education Opportunity and Chair of the AFPI-Florida State Chapter
Michael John Donohue
Chair of AFPI-New Jersey
Fred Fleitz
Vice Chair, Center for American Security
Riley Gaines
Vice Chair, America First Athletes Coalition
Hogan Gidley
Vice Chair, Center for Election Integrity & Senior Advisor for Communications
Lou Holtz
Chair, Center for 1776
The Honorable Bobby Jindal
Chair, Center for a Healthy America
Dr. Alveda King
Chair, Center for the American Dream
The Honorable Robert Lighthizer
Chair, Center for American Trade
Frank Murphy
Chair, Athletes for America Coalition
Dr. Richard Rogers
Vice Chair of the Center for American Values
Ambassador Carla Sands
Vice Chair, Center for Energy & Environment
Stacey Schieffelin
Chair, America First Women's Initiative and Senior Advisor, Center for the American Worker
Bob Unanue
AFPI Board Member and Hispanic Leadership Coalition Chair
Paula White-Cain
Chair, Center for American Values
The Honorable Robert Wilkie
Co-Chair, Center for American Security